Workplace/Occupational Health & Safety Training and Consulting
Workplace/Occupational Health & Safety Training and Consulting
4 Versions are available:
No graphics or template/design elements - text-only. You will have full-creative control of the program design & appearance
A selection of subject-specific graphics - or - a subject-specific MS PowerPoint Template is included (un-branded)
Fully designed subject-specific (un-branded)
Your branding, along with subject-specific template & branding
3x times:
TSC has well over 2,000 templates and 8+ graphics subscriptions for use: royalty-free, as-long-as you don't re-sell the template/graphics or cite them as yours / apply your Copyright
Most course titles on the availability list
Courses range in length from 30mins to approx. 6hrs
Fee includes: viewing of Theory subject: Surveys, Presentation, Videos, Sample Worksheets, downloadable Participants Manual (PM) along with Additional Resource/Reference materials & a Celebration of Learning (Test) where applicable
Tests may be attempted up-to 3x
Certificates will be issued upon successful completion
Most course titles on the availability list
Courses range in length from 30mins to approx. 6hrs
Fee includes: viewing of Theory subject: Surveys, Presentation, Videos, Sample Worksheets, downloadable Participants Manual (PM) along with Additional Resource/Reference materials & a Celebration of Learning (Test) where applicable
Certificates will be issued upon successful completion
Equipment course titles
Forklift, Aerial Platform & Sweeper / Scrubber related
Fee includes: viewing of Theory subject: Surveys, Presentation, Videos, Sample Worksheets, downloadable Participants Manual (PM) along with Additional Resource/Reference materials & a Celebration of Learning (Test) where applicable
A Practical Test must be completed!!!
Certificates will be issued upon successful completion of BOTH parts of the course...
Equipment course titles
Forklift & Aerial Platform related: participants must take any/all that are related to their equipment/workplace
Modules include:
Courses are typically booked as Full-Day or Half-Day...
Some courses may finish is shorter time-frames based on attendance, participant experience level, questions & conversation, etc... In this circumstance, the appropriate Full-Day or Half-Day Rate is still applicable...
Courses that extend "slightly" over-time (30-45mins) will not incur extra charges...
The minimum number of participants for any course is three (3) however, "special" rates &/or minimum attendance can be negotiated...
Prefer only up-to 12 Participants (may negotiate higher)
Fee includes: downloadable/printable Participants Manual (PM), delivery of Theory subject & Celebration of Learning (Test)
Equipment courses that typically have Practical Evaluations will be scheduled on a separate day with the appropriate Fee applied...
The following courses are typically Full-Day sessions: WAP / Book 7, TDG, Spills Response, Forklift, Confined Space, Cargo Securement, etc...
Prefer only up-to 12 Participants (may negotiate higher)
Fee includes: downloadable/printable Participants Manual (PM), delivery of Theory subject & Celebration of Learning (Test)
Equipment courses that typically have Practical Evaluations will be scheduled on a separate day with the appropriate Fee applied...
The following courses are typically Half-Day sessions: WHMIS, LOTO&I, Ladder Safety, Ergonomics, etc...
Weekend (Sat & Sun) are booked by appointment-only and are subject to a Premium charge: Full-Day = $150 - Half-Day = $100
Off-Shift sessions are subject to a Premium charge: Afternoon Shift = $100 - Midnight Shift = $150
*Note: a weekday Midnight Shift session may require 2-days scheduled
Safety Workshops may be delivered stand-alone - or - bundled together...
Fee includes: delivery of Theory subject, downloadable/printable Participants Manual (PM) along with Additional References/Resources & Celebration of Learning (Test)
Printed materials will incur an extra cost...
Typically up-to 20 participants, larger courses will likely extend time & may incur extra printing costs...
Over-sized courses may extend time to a Half-Day...
Typically a Half-Day, however, over-sized courses may extend time to 3/4-Day+...
Typically 3/4-to-Full-Day when break & lunch times are included...
Combinations of any/all current Training Courses. Bundle must be booked in advance...
A "Bundle Discount" of 20% off the Standard Rates will be applied as long as all Bundle Sessions are scheduled in advance (see adjusted rates in brackets)
Accumulated time of multiple courses
Accumulated time of multiple courses (includes 3/4 days)
Please see the full description in the PSC Program under the Services drop-menu...
Pre-Scheduled time
Minimum 2-Month Commitment
Discounted Daily Rate - 10%
Pre-Scheduled time
Minimum 4-Month Commitment
2020 Discounted Daily Rate - 15%
Aimed at New Operators
1-on-1 hands-on equipment instruction prior to testing
A minimum of 3Hrs is required to book
Additional time is determined based-on operators abilities...
Aimed at experienced operators who may want to "brush-up" or "refresh" their skills & identify any opportunities for improvement PRIOR to formal Testing...
$70 for First-Eval, $60 each Subsequent-Eval Per-Person
(if necessary) (up-to 1hr each)
*Note ~ Minimum 3 evaluations/day otherwise time &/or mileage reimbursement may be required
Once any-&-all training, practice & evaluation are complete, this is the 1-on-1 formal test
Standard passing grade is 75%
$70 for First-Test, $60 each Subsequent-Test Per-Person
(if necessary) (up-to 1hr each)
*Note ~ Minimum 3 Tests/day otherwise time &/or mileage reimbursement may be required
Equipment evaluation/testing for New Operators includes performing Operators Daily Checklist & demonstration of at-least 3 maneuvers at varying heights & different locations with different loads...
Equipment evaluation/testing for Well-Experienced Operators includes performing Operators Daily Checklist & demonstration of at-least 2 maneuvers at varying heights & different locations with different loads...
Do you know what workplace safety legislation applies to your workplace/industry? What Regulations and/or Standards apply at all times? What Regulations and/or Standards apply only during particular functions? Do you know how to find & read the passages in Legislation? 2020 Discounted C19 Rate...
There are a minimum of 8 Regulations that apply to most Ontario workplaces! Do you know what they are?
From time-to-time JHSC's / H&S Rep's may need some guidance or safety consulting to help them learn & perform their duties
This can be in the form of legislative research & interpretation, sitting-in & participating on JHSC meetings, accompanying workplace inspections & Company OH&S Policy / Procedure review, safety training, etc... 2020 Discounted C19 Rate...
Based on knowing what Legislation applies to you and how to find/read that legislation, do your Company policies, procedures & programs meet and/or exceed the Legislative minimum requirements? 2020 Discounted C19 Rate...
Your Company may already have the required training programs, what you need is a good trainer!
Do you need a specific training course of your topic designed?
You'll need to provide the topic & any purchased resource materials
Design-time for unfamiliar topics can be lengthy depending on:
- Intended course length
- Creation of Lesson Plans
- Creation of Instructors Guide
- Creation of Participant Manual
- Creation of Written Test & Answer-Key...
Trainers-Copy of materials MUST be provided 1-week in advance (unless a very familiar topic) to allow for adequate delivery preparation...
Purchase of Policy &/or Procedure "templates" that need minimal personalization/ customizing to suit You/Your Workplace or Industry. Either may be purchased, or, combine matching Policy & Procedure (discount applied)...
Over 40 different topics are available
Over 40 different topics are available
Purchase 10 Policies - or - 10 Procedures (or a mixture of both: 10 or more in total)
Purchase 10 or more Policies & the matching Procedures: sets, 20+ documents in total
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